
A healthy guide to eating a balanced diet

December 14, 2020 0Multivitamins & energy

Having a meal is not a difficult task for most people, but the question is what to eat?

A healthy diet is important to supply nutrients required by the body and helps to reduce the risk of diseases.  The Malaysian Food Pyramid and the Malaysian Healthy Plate can serve as a helpful guide to achieve a well-balanced diet in your everyday life.

The Malaysian Food Pyramid categorizes food into different groups and the recommended total daily intakes. There are 3 basic tips when planning our meals using the food pyramid:

  • Eat more grains, fruits and vegetables; meat, beans in moderation and less fat, salt and sugar
  • Eat the right amounts according to the recommended servings in each group
  • Eat a variety of foods throughout the day

The Malaysian Healthy plate translates the message of the food pyramid into your daily meals and shows the proportions of food groups to be eaten for one meal:

  • ¼ of the plate consists of rice, noodles, breads, cereals, cereal products or tubers
  • ¼ of the plate consists of fish, poultry, meat or legumes. Choose more lean cuts and choose more plant-based proteins
  • ½ of the plate consists of various fruits and vegetables

While eating out is convenient, these foods are generally higher in calories, salt and sugars than home-cooked food. However, we can still opt for healthier choices such as:

  • Choose healthier cooking methods such as boiled and baked food instead of fried foods
  • Ask for more vegetables and fruits
  • Choose plain water instead of sugary drinks
  • Share your meal to prevent excessive eating
  • Supplement with vitamins and minerals

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A healthy guide to eating a balanced diet

Having a meal is not a difficult task for most people, but the question is what to eat?

A healthy diet is important to supply nutrients required by the body and helps to reduce the risk of diseases.  The Malaysian Food Pyramid and the Malaysian Healthy Plate can serve as a helpful guide to achieve a well-balanced diet in your everyday life.

The Malaysian Food Pyramid categorizes food into different groups and the recommended total daily intakes. There are 3 basic tips when planning our meals using the food pyramid:

  • Eat more grains, fruits and vegetables; meat, beans in moderation and less fat, salt and sugar
  • Eat the right amounts according to the recommended servings in each group
  • Eat a variety of foods throughout the day

The Malaysian Healthy plate translates the message of the food pyramid into your daily meals and shows the proportions of food groups to be eaten for one meal:

  • ¼ of the plate consists of rice, noodles, breads, cereals, cereal products or tubers
  • ¼ of the plate consists of fish, poultry, meat or legumes. Choose more lean cuts and choose more plant-based proteins
  • ½ of the plate consists of various fruits and vegetables

While eating out is convenient, these foods are generally higher in calories, salt and sugars than home-cooked food. However, we can still opt for healthier choices such as:

  • Choose healthier cooking methods such as boiled and baked food instead of fried foods
  • Ask for more vegetables and fruits
  • Choose plain water instead of sugary drinks
  • Share your meal to prevent excessive eating
  • Supplement with vitamins and minerals

Products you might be interested in

Products you might be interested in

24 essential vitamins & minerals for complete nutritional assurance

Provides probiotic benefits from 7 strains & prebiotic Inulin

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